Thursday, July 4, 2013

Repro - Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme

Repro - Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme - News / Editorial Blog / Magazine

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Repro is the Premium WordPress News / Magazine theme. Jam packed with custom options, custom widgets and a dollop of good looks.

Repro is suitable for content producers at all levels, personal bloggers, newspapers, online magazines, community blogs… you get the idea. Repro looks great out of the box but also acts as the perfect black canvas for those looking to customise and develop their own content-focused site.


I almost wish you would stop designing such Great Themes. Everytime I build one out, I come across another one of your designs which is even better. Keep up the good work…
- dubraker

Excellent theme and excellent service by the author. This guy knows his product inside out. He has the fix for any problem related to the theme. He is a great person who is calm cool and collected. A million thumbs up for theme and author.
- prhayz

Just purchased this theme and installed, no problems at all, just one small query that was answered very promptly in the support forum. Can’t recommend this author highly enough.
- madebydave

Theme Features

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0 Tableless Design
  • Unlimited Colour Schemes (colour picker)
  • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
  • 10 Widget Areas
  • 8 Custom Widgets
    • Latest Tweets
    • Tabbed Content
    • 125×125 Ads
    • 300×250 Ad
    • 120×240 Ad
    • Flickr Photos
    • Video Widget
    • RSS and Twitter Count
  • Extensive Theme Options (unbranded!)
    • Custom Logo Upload
    • Plain Text Logo Support
    • Custom Favicon Upload
    • Google Analytics Tracking
    • FeedBurner RSS Support
    • FeedBurner RSS to Email Support
    • Author Bios on Post Pages
    • Banner Settings (And Adsense!)
    • Much More…
  • Content Configuration
    • Configurable Homepage Content Blocks
    • Inbuilt Related Posts (choose by category or tag)
    • Featured Post Selection & Carousel
  • WordPress 3.0 Ready
    • 2 Custom Menu Locations with pre-3.0 fallback
    • Post Thumbnail/Featured Image Support
  • jQuery Support
    • jQuery Improved Dropdown Menus
    • jQuery Powered Featured Post Carousel
  • Page Templates
    • Archives Template
    • Full WIdth (no sidebar)
    • jQuery improved Contact Form
  • Custom Default Images
    • Custom default Gravatar support
    • Custom admin login logo support
  • Shortcodes (Columns, Buttons, Toggles, Tabs, Alerts)
  • Layered PSDs for customisation
  • Extensive Documentation

Theme Updates: View Changelog

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