Thursday, May 30, 2013

SimpleKey - One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme

SimpleKey - One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme - Portfolio Creative

SimpleKey is a multi-purpose one page WordPress Theme. It will suit everyone who wants to show their portfolios or introduct their company services. If you are an iPhone or an Andriod APP developer, you can also use this theme for your APP products introduction, or you can smiply use it for your daily blogging. This theme includes 33 shortcodes – they are easy to use, you will be able to show your portfolios, recent tweets, team introduction, pricetables or a mobile compatibility slider and so on. Detailed help document and example data xml will help you to get started in a smooth way. If you are looking for a unique and easily customizable theme, you are in the right place. Also if you are looking for a top notch support please consider purchasing it. Thanks in advance!

If you have any questions, please use Support Forum

Support services include getting SimpleKey theme started, troubleshooting and bug fixes. Regretfully I’m not able to provide support for custom modifications & custom or 3rd party plugins.Support Forum

Please download “Main file”, it’s include help documentation.


JRBenavente(Awesome child theme case)

Sapir Zaharia Portfolio

Tina Lise Ng

KL Design



Underground Movie

Main features

Some features

  • One page with smooth scrolling effect.

  • Responsive design.

  • HTML5 Ready.

  • Advanced theme options to custom navigation background, LOGO, Favicon and so on.

  • Custom background color on every page area on homepage.

  • Easy using shortcodes for columns, team, portfolios, pricetable, call log post, styled box, tabs, toggle and many more…

  • Integrated Ajax contact form.

  • Mobile compatibility slider.

  • Sample data xml and PSD included.

  • Detailed documentation.

  • And more…
  • .

Theme Credit

Change logs

V1.17 – 2013-05-26 – Changed files

  • Fixed “Back to Top” button doesn’t work on certain devices.

  • Fixed there’s a redundant 1px height appeared when the mouse over the navigation menu item.

  • Fixed something wrong with no responsive layout on mobile device.

  • Added an new argument “text” to [skill] shortcode to instead of the percent number.

  • Added Klout icon/option.

  • Removed background color option in slider setting, you can use a solid-colored png image to instead of this option.

V1.16 – 2013-05-08 – Changed files

  • Improved contact page template layout.

  • Fixed 404 error when click the portfolio images in the detail page on mobile device.

  • Fixed there’s no animate effect when click the portfolio filter first time.

  • Fixed the border of tab items doesn’t display on safari 5.

  • Fixed the top slider image is distorted on iPhone.

  • Added an option for disable the default gallery stage of the portfolio post.

  • Added an new argument “hide_percent” to [skill] shortcode to hide the percent number.

V1.15 – 2013-04-22 – Changed files

  • Fixed the single blog post can’t display competely when inserted more tag.

  • Fixed the search result page is messed up.

  • Fixed the quotation marks icon malposition in quote shortcode.

  • Fixed the external link is not work in portfolio archive page.

  • Fixed the image in post content can’t be scaled.

V1.14 – 2013-04-17 – Changed files

  • Fixed the image which in columns shortcode is not responsive.

  • Fixed the contact form doesn’t work on some webhostings.

  • Fixed the hightlight of menu item is incorrect in sub page.

  • Fixed the more tag doesn’t work in two columns blog template.

  • Fixed the font of slider heading doesn’t work on mobile phone.

  • Added “lightbox” argument to [button] shortcode.

  • Added an option for set the background image of sections to scroll or fixed.

  • Added an option for disable the responsive layout.

  • Added auto disable the nicescroll plugin on mobile device.

  • Added slider link option.

  • Added icon and option

  • Added an option for enable the sidebar in single post page.

  • Added “gridview” argument to [blog] shortcode.

  • Changed “fullwidth” argument to “thumbnail” in [blog] shortcode.

V1.13 – 2013-03-23 – Changed files

  • Fixed the [headline] shortcode is conflict with the navigation highlight feature.

  • Fixed the mobile menu still show the hidden page.

  • Fixed the custom active link color of the navigation link doesn’t display.

  • Fixed the custom background color of the contact section doesn’t work.

  • Fixed the issue that the portfolio thumbnail can’t display competely on iPad.

  • Changed the slider heading font on mobile.

  • Added an option for slider playing speed.

  • Added border_color option for [button] shortcode.

  • Added the external link option in portfolio setting.

V1.12 – 2013-03-13 – Changed files

  • Fixed some bugs in IE8.

  • Fixed the CAPTCHA doesn’t work on some of webhostings.

  • Fixed the portfolio thumbnail image is blur on mobile phone.

  • Fixed the mobile version image of slider background is cropped on mobile phone.

  • Improved the mobile menu and fixed that sometimes the menu doesn’t work on andriod.

  • Added more link in blog post loop.

  • Added [social_icon] shortcode that you can set every icons link seperately,e.g. [social_icon facebook=””]

  • Added linkedIn icon to member information in [member] shortcode: [member linkedin=””]

  • Added an new argument ‘orderby’ in [portfolios] shortcode, value is “rand” or “date”.

  • Added multilevel menu support.

  • Added full screen Video/Map embeded support for each sections.

  • Added an theme option for disable the nice scroll plugin and back to use native scroll bar.

V1.11 – 2013-02-26 – Changed files

  • Added fax option for contact section

  • Added nexa font to the font select list

  • Fixed something wrong with the slider background and content on mobile

V1.1 – 2013-02-23 – Changed files

  • Fixed the language file doesn’t work.

  • Fixed the slider doesn’t work in a certain browser.

  • Fixed the google plus icon doesn’t display in member area.

  • Fixed the responsive image issue.

  • Removed the featured image from the portfolio gallery.

  • Add a slider option for specific background image for tablet.

  • Add back to top button.

  • Add a theme option for show the logo on mobile phone.

  • Add a portfolio select options for images layout.

  • Add Email,Yahoo IM,AIM,Meetup,Instagram icons and options.

  • Add an option for disable retina support.

  • Add some options for custom contact section and footer color.

  • Add grey color sechme for pricing table.

  • Add a new parameter for [portfolios_filter]: “exclude=term ID”

V1.09 – 2013-02-03 – Changed files

  • Fixed an error when the portfolio category doesn’t exist.

  • Fixed the order of gallery images doesn’t work.

  • Add an option for disable the page loading affect.

  • Add SoundCloud and Myspace social icons and options.

  • Add custom slider content options.

  • Add Retina LOGO upload option.

  • Add latin subset support for custom fonts.

V1.08 – 2013-01-23 – Changed files

  • Fixed a part of google webfonts doesn’t work.

  • Improved many details for responsive layout, especially the navigation menu.

  • Fixed locale bug.

  • Fixed portfolio&blog excerpt bug.

  • Fixed IE8/9 is not support the placeholder propertype of contact form input.

  • Cancelled enforce the video size in PC device.

  • Allowed p and br tags in columns shortcode.

  • Add contact page template.

  • Add fullwidth layout for blog shortcode.

  • Add mobile background image option for slider.

  • Add a [format] shortcode to support p,br or the other more HTML tags.

V1.07 – 2013-01-20 – Changed files

  • Fixed the contact form doesn’t work in homepage.

  • Improved many details for responsive layout.

  • Fixed the portfolio is repeat when it’s in both categories.

  • Fixed the custom.css can’t override the media-queries.css

V1.06 – 2013-01-19 – Changed files

  • Fixed the jquery conflict issue in WordPress dashbroad.

  • Fixed a bug in portfolio archive page.

  • Improved many details for responsive layout.

  • Add LinkedIn icons.

  • Add Youtube/Vimeo/SoundCloud support in portfolio post.

V1.05 -2013-01-16 – Changed files

  • Fixed the navigation links doesn’t work in safari6.0.x and part of chrome.

  • Fixed the anchor links could not return to homepage right position in Firefox.

  • Fixed the background image could not fixed in safari.

V1.04.1 -2013-01-15 – Changed files

  • Fixed the issue that the logo can’t display normal;

V1.04 -2013-01-14 – Changed files

  • Add the ajax open effect for portfolio gallery on the frontpage.

V1.03 – 2013-01-12 – Changed files

  1. Fixed the social icons’ link error.

  2. Change the team members’ avatar to circle shape.

  3. Integrated google web fonts for slider titles.

  4. Add a parameter “intro” to [portfolios] shortcode.

  5. Add a parameter “anchor” to [button] shortcode.

  6. Add a parameter “top”,”bottom” to [headline] shortcode.

V1.02 – 2013-01-11 – Changed files

  1. Sync sub menu background color and primary navigation background color.

  2. Add the default color to text input and textarea borders.

  3. Add custom style options in theme panel.

  4. Change the line-height of head&sub titles on the front page.

  5. Fixed the embed video or iframe can’t display in columns shortcodes.

  6. Fixed the navigation menu doesn’t work in sub page.

  7. Fixed an issue that the navigation will be hidden in safari.

V1.01 – 2013-01-09 – Changed files

  1. Fixed the horizontal scroll bar is appeared on the home page issue.

  2. Correct ‘andriod’ spelling error on the UI-Elements.png picture.

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