Monday, July 1, 2013

Immersion - Responsive Fullscreen WP Theme

Immersion - Responsive Fullscreen WP Theme - Creative WordPress

Trusted by over 1200+ users, Immersion is the wordpress theme you need: elegant, simple, feature rich. All the latest HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, wordpress are present. It’s developed on the css skeleton boilerplate so it resizes beautifully on smaller screens like tablets and iphones, plus it comes with a layout manager that allows you to add columns with ease. Then comes the post formats (images, vimeo, youtube, html5 video and audio, gallery, quotes), the 6 custom widgets, tons of shortcodes (with shortcode generator), unlimited fullscreen slideshows, portfolios, custom sidebars and footers. Want it -> Buy It -> Love It.

Complete list of features

  • Wordpress 3.5.1 ready
  • Easy to use Admin Panel
  • Responsive layout with layout manager
  • post formats: images, gallery, quotes, vimeo youtube and html5 video and audio – can be added to posts, pages and portfolio projects pages
  • retina ready: serves images twice as big for retina devices
  • 2 custom post type:portfolio projects, galleries
  • unlimited fullscreen slideshows (custom backgrounds for every post/page/portfolio item)
  • 6 custom wordpress widgets: popular posts, recent posts, related posts, flickr images, twitter feeds, portfolio projects
  • Numerous shortcodes with shortcodes manager: blog posts, buttons, contact form, gallery, google map, images, latest portfolio projects, portfolio, pricing tables, slideshows, slogans, blockquotes, highlights, dropcaps, tabs, toggles, youtube and vimeo videos.
  • Social Icons included
  • custom sidebars and custom footers (different footer layouts)
  • Filterable portfolio
  • Custom CSS textfield
  • lightbox integration
  • autmocatic image resizing using built in wordpress funtions
  • Very easy to use with documentation + videos

Current Theme Version 1.4

Version 1.4

  • Compatible worpdress 3.5.1
  • fullscreen slideshow no longer cropped by the header. improved responsiveness
  • retina ready. images are replaced with higher resolution variants on retina devices
  • improved the image resize script to generate images based on the device (normal, retina, mobile and retina mobile)
  • removed the raw shortcode (no longer required)
  • fixed other bugs and issues

Version 1.3

  • Compatible worpdress 3.4.1.
  • Added the slideshow autoplay option in the admin panel
  • Added swipe input for tablets and mobile phones
  • Added menu hierarchy for mobile devices
  • Slideshow caption now smaller on mobile devices
  • Portfolio project page layout now changed: the excerpt on the left, then the rest of the content below the post format (so you can now use shortcodes)
  • next and previous arrows added on lightbox
  • fixed other bugs and glitches

Version 1.2

  • Fixed the video lightbox not showing on the first slide
  • Lightbox on stacked galleries is showing the right image
  • Fixed issues with the search page
  • Fixed various bugs throughout the theme
  • Added pinterst and yelp icons

Version 1.1

  • The page content (below the fold) was made by default visible. Added option to hide it if neccesary
  • Fixed the image shortcode to accept static images (with no lightbox)
  • Fixed issues with the gallery shortcode
  • Added 3rd level submenu

Version 1.0

  • Initial theme version.


  • images from Josip Kelava:
  • images from This is Pacifica:
  • images from Gokhun Guneyhan:
  • image from Thomas Xu:
  • vimeo video by infinitylist
  • jQuery-gMap by Mario Estrada
  • ibutton by
(Note: images from the demo site have creative commons licenses and are not included in the download package. )

Theme Screenshots:

More themes:





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