Friday, July 5, 2013

Habitat - Blog and Portfolio Theme

Habitat - Blog and Portfolio Theme - Blog / Magazine WordPress


Habitat is a Wordpress Theme that takes advantage of all the amazing new wordpress 3 features and is best suited for personal Blogs, small Magazines and Portfolio Websites. It has the ability to create unique skins right from your backend without the need to edit anything within your css files whith just a few mouse clicks and also offers the option to install content automatically when setting up the theme, so it will look like my theme preview!

That makes it super easy to customize everything, since you can take a look first how its done at the dummy posts and pages.

Key features of the template:
  • Automatic content installation for a fast and easy setup, can be activated optionally
  • Style switching with color picker and multiple layout and font options.
  • Multiple Featured Images for each post to generate individual Slideshows per Post, or the option to directly embed video content from youtube, vimeo, hulu and many many more
  • New WordPress3 Menu support
  • AviaSlider included!
  • Unique Portfolio Sorting/Filtering with a custom jQuery script (each entry supports multiple images or a video)
  • Dropdwon Menu, improved with jQuery
  • Cufon font replacement
  • Various custom widgets like twitter, sidebar news and advertising widget
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Sleek Image preloader
  • Working ajax/php contact form
  • PSD files included
  • Extensive Documentation Included

Support requests

Support for all my themes is available only at the support forum I’ve setup at my website:

The reason I have choosen to use my own forum are quite simple:

Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will make it possible that you dont even need to wait for my response, because its already there.

Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, while I am busy with other tasks.

Third Reason: it is very inconvenient for me to check multiple places if support requests where made (here at themeforest, my themeforest mail account, my websites mail account, facebook group, twitter etc) Therefore I decided to channel those requests at one place and make it available to everyone so all of you guys can benefit.

External scripts and resources used:
  • Social Bookmark Icons
  • lightbox plugin
  • Cufon Font replacement
  • Fugue icon set
  • Pixelophelia Coffe Icon
  • Google API Fonts
  • flickr creative commons library pictures by: codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk

Stay up to date:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Maxx - Responsive Creative Wordpress Theme

Maxx - Responsive Creative Wordpress Theme - Business Corporate

Lastest version 1.4.5

The users that having problem with upload button, please redownload the package, update yours, and read the documentation -> Creating Portfolio section.Thanks

Maxx – Responsive Creative Wordpress Theme

Live Preview <-

Maxx WP is a Modern Clean & Creative theme suitable for any corporate business or portfolio,It’s created by using the latest techniques : HTML5 and CSS3. With a extremely responsive design That means it will fit any device (Desktop, tablet, smartphone…), completely optimized for your touchable device. Maxx has everything you’ll want for your business website.

Comes with highly customizable theme Option Framework like you can change the skin easily, or define your own style, typeface, turn on/off responsiveness …ect.

Visual Shortcode Generator allow you to mix complex information into a post/page without coding knowledge.

Localization Supported (.po & .mo included in case you want to translate the them).

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has been made a priority when building the themes.

And a Very detailed documentation guides you to use the theme quickly.

Email Support Here

if you like this theme, please dont forget to rate it

Theme Options demo

Visit these links: General Settings – Home Settings – Interface Settings – Blog Settings – Portfolio Settings – Typography – Styling Options – Social Network – Advanced Settings – Backup Options

See It in Action

If you are viewing by laptop or desktop try Resizing your browser to see how the layout automatically flows based on the width of the browser.

if you have a smartphone/tablet handy ? Scan the QR code below!

Theme Features:

  • Requirement: WordPress 3.5+
  • Full Responsive Layout
  • Fullwidth Layout & Boxed Layout
  • Cross-browser Optimization, (IE8,IE9, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome)
  • Unlimited Sidebars for each page/post
  • Custom Portfolio Post type
  • 8 Page Templates
    • Home Skitter Slider
    • Home Flexslider(allowed video)
    • Archives/sitemap
    • Left Sidebar
    • Right Sidebar
    • Fullwidth
    • Filterable Portfolio allowed 3 or 4 Columns (setting in Theme Options)
    • Contact form (Honey Pot Spam Protection)
  • Shortcode Generator with over 30 useful Shortcodes
    • Buttons
    • Border Frame
    • Blockquote
    • Columns
    • Contact form (Honey Pot Spam Protection)
    • Divider (over 5 style)
    • Dropcap (6 style)
    • Google Map
    • IconBoxes (2 style)
    • Image Lightbox
    • List with icons (10 styles)
    • Notification boxes (5 styles)
    • Pricing Table
    • Recent/Populat Posts
    • Recent/Populat Portfolio
    • Image Slider
    • Table
    • Tabs Toggles & Accordion
    • Typography
    • Testiminial
    • Video
  • Supported 2 Menu Navigation – Topbar & Main menu
  • Custom 404 page
  • Subscribe form
  • Widgetized footer (min 2 columns & max: up to 6 columns)
  • 3 footer styles, large(wiget area and extra copyright info), medium (widget area), and small (copyright info)
  • 6 Gorgeous skins Built-in (or custom define)
  • Custom fontface using Google font library
  • 7 Custom Built-in Widgets (Twitter, FLickr, Custom Category, Chilpages, Recent/latest porfolio and Posts (2 styles))
  • 100% Internationalized and Translation Ready (.mo/.po files included)
  • Sample XML demo with 6 homepage layouts
  • Detailed Documentation

Need Support?

If you have any question about the theme , you can drop me a comment .Thanks.

BTW please read the included Documentation. or checkout FAQs

Version 1.4.5 (25 March 13)

 Changed: Google font embed, allowed font style like bold or italic. Files changed: documentation admin/functions/functions.options.php function.php functions/custom-styles.php Removed: option transition effect from styling option. 

Changelog – Latest Version : 1.4.4

Version 1.4.4 (22 March 13)

 Fixed: Twitter widget, now support for API 1.1 Added : Carousel Portfolio is now support displaying item from specified categories. Files changed: documentation update-notifier.php admin/functions/functions.options.php css/base.css functions/theme-functions.php functions/shortcodes.php functions/widgets/widget-twitter.php functions/extended/md-shortcodes/tinymce/config.php 

Version 1.4.3 (11 March 13)

Remove skin chooser in front site Files changed: header.php 

Version 1.4.2 (9 March 13)
 Fixed minor bugs. Files Added: /notifier.xml images/social/pinterest_16.png Files changed: functions/shortcodes.php template-contact.php template-portfolio.php update-notifier.php style.css 

Version 1.4.1 (6 March 13)

 Fixed minor bugs. Changed the documentation Removed upload images button in portfolio post type Files changed: admin/assets/documentation css/base.css functions/shortcodes.php functions/widgets/widget-post-with-calendar.php functions/theme-portfolio-meta.php template-contact.php template-portfolio.php 

Version 1.4.0 (13 Dec 12 (i HATE the day before this day! ))

 Fully Compatible to WP 3.5 Fixed images didn't appear in ie8. Fixed gray bar in IE 9. Fixed page title doesn't show properly in IE9. Fixed menu dropdown, shortcodes in WP 3.5. Added loop to Flexslider. Added translattion string to Skitter Slider. Added child theme. Add more Social Networks Link. Changed theme option upload file to native wordpress uploader. Update new SkitterSlider script. Files changed: admin/functions/functions.options.php admin/assets/css/admin-style.css css/base.css css/skitter-slider.css js/custom.js js/scripts.js js/jquery.skitter-min.js functions/custom-styles.php functions/skitter-slider.php functions/theme-functions.php functions.php header.php 

Version 1.3 (12 July 12)
 Fixed minor bugs. Fixed Accented Characters for first word Added boxed layout mode. Added function allow to disable comment area on all pages. Added background options for boxed-layout style. Added new flexslider that allowed to use video on slider. Added custom effects, control, animate speed for previous slider (skitter slider) Speed Up Page Response Times. Reduce the page title space. i have made some changes to name of page templates so Please re-config the front page (home page). Added PSD Layouts File Changed: - /admin - /functions - /lang - /js - /css - /style.css - template-portfolio.php - functions.php - template-sidebar-right.php - template-sidebar-right.php - page.php - index.php - template-fullwidth.php - template-home.php - footer.php - header.php <i>Note: You should upload all the file and rewrite </i> 

Version 1.2 (20 June 12)

 Fixed minor bugs. WordPress 3.4 Compatible. Added HoneyPot Spam Protection to subscribe form File Changed: - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /admin/index.php - /admin/assets/css/admin-style.css - /functions/subscribe.php - /css/base.css - /style.css - /lang - update-notifier.php - footer.php 

Version 1.1 (17 June 12)

 Fixed minor bugs. File Changed: - /functions/shortcodes.php - /template-portfolio.php - /widgets/widget-post-with-calendar.php - /css/base.css - /style.css 

Version 1.0 (14 June 12)

Initial released

images in preview:


Preview images are just for demonstration purpose and not included in Main Package

Repro - Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme

Repro - Premium WordPress News / Magazine Theme - News / Editorial Blog / Magazine

btn-twitter btn-rss btn-follow btn-facebook btn-premiumpixels btn-support

Repro is the Premium WordPress News / Magazine theme. Jam packed with custom options, custom widgets and a dollop of good looks.

Repro is suitable for content producers at all levels, personal bloggers, newspapers, online magazines, community blogs… you get the idea. Repro looks great out of the box but also acts as the perfect black canvas for those looking to customise and develop their own content-focused site.


I almost wish you would stop designing such Great Themes. Everytime I build one out, I come across another one of your designs which is even better. Keep up the good work…
- dubraker

Excellent theme and excellent service by the author. This guy knows his product inside out. He has the fix for any problem related to the theme. He is a great person who is calm cool and collected. A million thumbs up for theme and author.
- prhayz

Just purchased this theme and installed, no problems at all, just one small query that was answered very promptly in the support forum. Can’t recommend this author highly enough.
- madebydave

Theme Features

  • Valid XHTML Strict 1.0 Tableless Design
  • Unlimited Colour Schemes (colour picker)
  • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
  • 10 Widget Areas
  • 8 Custom Widgets
    • Latest Tweets
    • Tabbed Content
    • 125×125 Ads
    • 300×250 Ad
    • 120×240 Ad
    • Flickr Photos
    • Video Widget
    • RSS and Twitter Count
  • Extensive Theme Options (unbranded!)
    • Custom Logo Upload
    • Plain Text Logo Support
    • Custom Favicon Upload
    • Google Analytics Tracking
    • FeedBurner RSS Support
    • FeedBurner RSS to Email Support
    • Author Bios on Post Pages
    • Banner Settings (And Adsense!)
    • Much More…
  • Content Configuration
    • Configurable Homepage Content Blocks
    • Inbuilt Related Posts (choose by category or tag)
    • Featured Post Selection & Carousel
  • WordPress 3.0 Ready
    • 2 Custom Menu Locations with pre-3.0 fallback
    • Post Thumbnail/Featured Image Support
  • jQuery Support
    • jQuery Improved Dropdown Menus
    • jQuery Powered Featured Post Carousel
  • Page Templates
    • Archives Template
    • Full WIdth (no sidebar)
    • jQuery improved Contact Form
  • Custom Default Images
    • Custom default Gravatar support
    • Custom admin login logo support
  • Shortcodes (Columns, Buttons, Toggles, Tabs, Alerts)
  • Layered PSDs for customisation
  • Extensive Documentation

Theme Updates: View Changelog

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Want more themes like this? Sign up to the ThemeZilla newsletter and we’ll keep you up-to-date with sneak peeks, updates, release dates and early demo access – nice! Sign up for the newsletter over here

Need Support? Jump into the Forum

First and foremost, thanks for purchasing one of our files, we truly appreciate it! Support for all our themes and templates is conducted through the ThemeZilla support forums. Make your way over with your Item Purchase Code and feel free to pick our brains.

Visit the Support Forums | Create an Account | Where to find your “Item Purchase Code”

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Brick + Mason: Premium Photography and Blog Theme

Brick + Mason: Premium Photography and Blog Theme - Photography Creative

Brick + Mason is ideal for photographers and/or design studios. It utilizes infinite scrolling so users don’t have to leave the page to experience all your talent. This theme also uses the jQuery masonry plugin so the content will fit any browser size.

Featured on Creattica

What buyers are saying:

“One of the best here. I give it \\\\\\\\\\
- pictopedia

“Great theme, easy to use, and great design. \\\\\\\\\\
- anyahmonroe

“I have downloaded quite a few themes, and your support, forum information and themes are top notch.”
- cyberex

“I love it. It’s so easy to upload and present galleries. Takes a lot of load off blog posting.”
- meanfatsheep

“For me, the best wordpress theme for photographers…”
- glm

“Support is awesome and to see updates being made even after a year is just amazing.”
- deanesn

Video Resrouces

  • Theme Walk-through
  • Menu Setup
  • Theme Installtion and Troubleshooting


  • Translation ready (.POT file included)
  • Supports Google custom fonts library
  • Slideout sidebar
  • Infinite scrolling
  • Advanced grid layout
  • Valid HTML5 markup
  • Unlimited color options
  • Dark and light skin options
  • Easy logo customization
  • WordPress menu support
  • Full width page template included
  • Super easy admin panel using the OptionTree Plugin
  • Easy thumbnail images with built-in WordPress system
  • FREE version upgrade if you purchased this theme
  • Advanced jQuery animations and effects


  • Version 1.2.0—3.5.2013
    • Added: localization support.
    • Improved: optimized code
  • Version 1.1.4—2.12.2013
    • Updated: theme options panel.
  • Version 1.1.3—11.27.2012
    • Updated: theme options panel appearance and updated/added support tab.
  • Version 1.1.2—10.22.2012
    • Fixed: FireFox issue with sidebar ”+” box.
  • Version 1.1.1—08.29.2012
    • Updated: Infinite scroll jQuery plugin.
  • Version 1.1.0—08.08.2012
    • Added: built-in OptionTree system. Plugin no longer required.
  • Version 1.0.1—02.07.2012
    • Updated: PrettyPhoto scripts to 3.1.3. Files affected are “scripts.js” and “prettyphoto.css”


  • Self-hosted WordPress installation (NOT


  • Images by solarseven


  My support forums: